영어회화 소모임 002Flower in my ENGLISH/CONVERSATION 2015. 1. 14. 09:19
브라이언 트레이시 강연 연설문.
I'm very happy to be here
Thank you very much for coming tonight.
I promise you that time we spend together wil be very valuable.
How many people here would like to double their income?
If I can show you how, will you give it a try?
Im going to show you today how to double your income.
I'm going to show you how everyone doubles their income and it begins with changing the way you think.
The starting point of doubling your income is very simple.
Is make a decision to double your income and set it as a goal.
If you do that, everything else changes for you.
Now, I have some good news.
The good news is that we're living in ther very best time in all of human history.
South Korea has become a role model for the rest of the world.
South Korea is talked about all over the world as a model for what is possible in any countries and I'm so honor to be with you.
I thank you very much for inviting me to come.
love someone
laugh more
더 웃어라
buy something
eat something
don't worry
걱정하지 마세요.
know yourself
너 자신을 알라
eat vegetables so much
야채를 많이 먹으세요.
read books
책을 읽으세요.
live own your life
당신만의 삶을 살아가세요.
don't give up
절대 포기하지 마세요.
think big and to be rich.
크게 생각하세요. 그리고 부자가 되세요.
love your firend as you.
당신의 친구를 당신과 같이 사랑하세요.
-Let's and Shall we
let's study.
shall we buy?
let's not go to 00 station
00역에 가지 말자
shall we go to watch movie?
영화 보러 갈까?
let's not wait for her.
그녀르러 기다리지 말자
shall we go to study english together?
같이 영어 공부 할까요?
shall not go there?
거기 가지 말까?
let's read english book.
영어책을 읽읍시다.
let's exercise every morning to be health.
건강을 위해 매일 아침 운동을 하자.
shall we go to museum coming holiday?
주말에는 박물관에 갈까요?
let's go to meet Sherlock to UK.
셜록을 만나러 영국으로 가자.
shall not go to play soccer today?
오늘은 축구하러 가지 말까?
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